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作者: 吴西逸 5(4人评价)

吴西逸<寿阳曲 · 四时 Tune: Song of Long-Lived Sun > yíng xīn shì 萦 心 事,Grief heavy on my heart rě hèn cí 惹 恨 词,Can't be written in word. gèng nà kān dòng rén qiū sī 更 那 堪 动 人 秋 思。What can I do to keep autumn apart? huà ...



作者: 张可久 5(6人评价)

张可久<朝天子·闺情 Tune: Skyward Song - A Wilt Waiting on Her Lord> yǔ shuí huà méi 与 谁 画 眉?Of whom will you pencil the brow? cāi pò fēng liú mí 猜 破 风 流 谜。I know with whom you are in love now. tóng tuó cāng lǐ yù cōng sī 铜 驼 ...



作者: 刘时中 5(2人评价)

刘时中<殿前欢 Tune: Joy before Palace> zuì yán tuó 醉 颜 酡,With face drunk red, tài wēng zhuāng shàng zǒu rú suō 太 翁 庄 上 走 如 梭。In village elder's house tax-collectors come and go. mén qián jǐ gè guān rén zuò 门 前 几 个 官 人 ...



作者: 关汉卿 5(6人评价)

关汉卿<一枝花·不伏老 Tune: A Sprig of Flowers> pān chū qiáng duǒ duǒ huā 攀 出 墙 朵 朵 花,I pluck flower on flower over the wall, shé lín lù zhī zhī liǔ 折 临 路 枝 枝 柳。And break off branch on branch of willow tree. huā pān hóng ruǐ ...



作者: 关汉卿 5(2人评价)

出自关汉卿<四块玉 - 闲适 Tune: Four Pieces of Jade - Life of Easy Leisure> yì mǎ shōu 意 马 收,Halt running horse and bind xīn yuán suǒ 心 猿 锁,Ape-like whimsical mind! tiào chū hóng chén è fēng bō 跳 出 红 尘 恶 风 波,Leap out of a ...



作者: 陈草庵 4.8(5人评价)

陈草庵<山坡羊 - 叹世 Tune: Sheep on the Slope - O World> chén jī chū jiào 晨 鸡 初 叫,At dawn the cock crows; hūn yā zhēng zào 昏 鸦 争 噪。At dusk caw the crows. nà gè bú qù hóng chén nào 那 个 不 去 红 尘 闹?Who to vanity fair is ...



作者: 卢摯 5(6人评价)

出自卢摯<蟾宫曲·醉赠乐府珠帘秀 Tune: Song of Moon Palace - Written for My Fair Songstress While Drunk> xì háng zhōu shuí qiǎn qīng qīng 系 行 舟 谁 遣 卿 卿?Who sends you, my fair songstress, to my boat? ài lín xià fēng zī 爱 林 下 风 姿, ...



作者: 胡祗適 5(5人评价)

胡祗適<沉醉东风 Tune: Intoxicated in East Wind> yú dé yú xīn mǎn yì zú 渔 得 鱼 心 满 意 足,A fisherman is content with a basketful of fishes; qiáo dé qiáo yǎn xiào méi shū 樵 得 樵 眼 笑 眉 舒。A woodcutter with a bundle of firewood he wishe ...



作者: 商挺 5(4人评价)

出自商挺<潘妃曲 Tune: Song of Princess Pan> dài yuè pī xīng dān jīng pà 带 月 披 星 担 惊 怕,Shivering with fright jiǔ lì shā chuāng xià 久 立 纱 窗 下,In moonlight and starlight, děng hòu tā 等 候 他。I stand long by the window dim, ...



作者: 盍西村 5(6人评价)

盍西村<小桃红·客船夜期 Tune: Red Peach Blossoms - River Bay at Dusk> lǜ yún rǎn rǎn suǒ qīng wān 绿 云 冉 冉 锁 清 湾,The clear bay is locked in clouds green-dyed; xiāng chè dōng xī àn 香 彻 东 西 岸。Fragrance spreads to east and west rivers ...
