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作者: 吴西逸 5(4人评价)

吴西逸<清江引·秋居Tune: Song of the Clear River - An Autumn Night> bái yàn luàn fēi qiū sì xuě 白 雁 乱 飞 秋 似 雪,White wild geese fly pell-mell like autumn snow; qīng lù shēng liáng yè 清 露 生 凉 夜。In the cool night clear dew-drops grow. ...



作者: 徐再思 5(4人评价)

徐再思<折桂令·春情 Tune: Song of Moon Palace - Lovesickness> píng shēng bú huì xiàng sī 平 生 不 会 相 思,In early life I knew not what lovesickness is. cái huì xiàng sī 才 会 相 思,When I began to know a bit, biàn hài xiàng sī 便 害 相 ...



作者: 张可久 5(6人评价)

张可久<殿前欢·离思 Tune: Joy before Palace - Longing> yuè lóng shā 月 笼 沙,The sandbar veiled in moonbeams, shí nián xīn shì fù pí pá 十 年 心 事 付 琵 琶。I confide to my lute my tears of ten long years. xiàng sī lǎn kàn wéi huà 相 思 懒 ...



作者: 赵善庆 4(4人评价)

赵善庆<庆东原·泊罗阳驿 Tune: Blessed East Plain - Moored by the Post> zhēn shēng zhù 砧 声 住,The beetles still, qióng yùn qiē 蛩 韵 切,The crickets trill, jìng liáo liáo mén yǎn qīng qiū yè 静 寥 寥 门 掩 清 秋 夜。Clear autumn sh ...



作者: 吴弘道 5(5人评价)

出自吴弘道<金字经 Tune: Golden Canon> luò huā fēng fēi qù 落 花 风 飞 去,Fallen petals fly away with the breeze, gù zhī yī jiù xiān 故 枝 依 旧 鲜,But leaves are still fresh on the trees. yuè quē zhōng xū yǒu zài yuán 月 缺 终 须 有 ...



作者: 贯云石 5(4人评价)

贯云石<落梅风 Tune: Wind of Falling Mume Blossoms> xīn qiū zhì 新 秋 至,When comes the autumn new, rén zhà bié 人 乍 别,We have just parted. shùn zhǎng jiāng shuǐ liú cán yuè 顺 长 江 水 流 残 月。Along the endless river floats the moon b ...



作者: 贯云石 5(4人评价)

贯云石<清江引·咏梅 Tune: Song of Clear River - The Mune Blossoms> nán zhī yè lái xiān pò ruǐ 南 枝 夜 来 先 破 蕊,The southern branches of mume trees xiè lòu chūn xiāo xī 泄 漏 春 消 息。At night are the first to blow, piān yí xuě yuè j ...



作者: 阿里西瑛 5(4人评价)

阿里西瑛<殿前欢·懒云窝 Tune:Joy before Palace - My Nest for Tdle Cloud> lǎn yún wō 懒 云 窝,In my Nest for Idle Cloud, xǐng shí shī jiǔ zuì shí gē 醒 时 诗 酒 醉 时 歌。Sober, I drink and write; while drunk, I croon aloud. yáo qín bú lǐ pā ...



作者: 姚燧 5(6人评价)

姚燧<醉高歌·感怀 Tune:Drinking Song> shí nián shū jiàn zhǎng yù 十 年 书 剑 长 吁,I sigh after ten years with books and sword. yī qǔ pí pá àn xǔ 一 曲 琵 琶 暗 许。The lutist's song is a promise without word. yuè míng jiāng shàng bié pé ...



作者: 马致远 5(4人评价)

马致远<四块玉 - 浔阳江 Tune: Four Pieces of Jade - On River Xunyang> sòng kè shí 送 客 时,When we two part, qiū jiāng lěng 秋 江 冷,The autumn river is cold. shāng nǚ pí pá duàn cháng shēng 商 女 琵 琶 断 肠 声。The lutist's song would ...
