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作者: 马致远 5(4人评价)

马致远<四块玉 - 浔阳江 Tune: Four Pieces of Jade - On River Xunyang> sòng kè shí 送 客 时,When we two part, qiū jiāng lěng 秋 江 冷,The autumn river is cold. shāng nǚ pí pá duàn cháng shēng 商 女 琵 琶 断 肠 声。The lutist's song would ...



作者: 关汉卿 5(7人评价)

关汉卿<大德歌 Tune: Song of Great Virtue> (1) xiè jiā cūn 谢 家 村,In the Fair's Village lingering, shǎng fāng chūn 赏 芳 春,I seek the beauty of last spring. yí guài tā táo huā lěng xiào rén 疑 怪 他 桃 花 冷 笑 人。I wonder if the ...



作者: 卢摯 5(5人评价)

卢摯<沉醉东风·秋景 Tune: Intoxicated in East Wind - Autumn> guà jué bì sōng kū dǎo yǐ 挂 绝 壁 松 枯 倒 倚,The frowning cliff thrusts out a bending ancient pine; luò cán xiá gū wù qí fēi 落 残 霞 孤 鹜 齐 飞。With lonely swan fly rainbow cl ...



作者: 卢摯 5(5人评价)

出自卢摯<沉醉东风·春情 Tune: Intoxicated in East Wind - Spring> cán huā niàng fēng ér mì pí 残 花 酿 蜂 儿 蜜 脾,Bees gather honey from lingering flowers ; xì yǔ hé yàn zǐ xiāng ní 细 雨 和 燕 子 香 泥。Swallows build nest with clay wet w ...



作者: 卢摯 5(6人评价)

卢摯<蟾宫曲 - 扬州汪右丞席上即事 Tune: Song of Moon Palace - At a Feast in the River Town> jiāng chéng gē chuī fēng liú 江 城 歌 吹 风 流,In river town songs are sung with the flowing breeze. yǔ guò píng shān 雨 过 平 山,The rain has passed o ...
