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作者: 马致远 5(4人评价)

马致远<清江引 - 野兴 Tune:Song of Clear River - Rural Pleasure> lǜ suō yī zǐ luó páo shuí shì zhǔ 绿 蓑 衣 紫 罗 袍 谁 是 主?Green straw cloak and violet silken gown, liǎng jiàn ér dōu wú jì 两 件 儿 都 无 济。Which is up? Which is down? ...



作者: 陈草庵 4.8(5人评价)

陈草庵<山坡羊 - 叹世 Tune: Sheep on the Slope - O World> chén jī chū jiào 晨 鸡 初 叫,At dawn the cock crows; hūn yā zhēng zào 昏 鸦 争 噪。At dusk caw the crows. nà gè bú qù hóng chén nào 那 个 不 去 红 尘 闹?Who to vanity fair is ...



作者: 卢摯 5(3人评价)

出自卢摯<节节高 - 题洞庭鹿角庙壁 Tune: Higher and Higher - Written on the Temple Wall on Lake Dongting> yǔ qíng yún sàn 雨 晴 云 散,After the rain clouds clear away; mǎn jiāng míng yuè 满 江 明 月,Over the lake the moon sheds its ray. fēng wē ...



作者: 卢摯 5(5人评价)

卢摯<沉醉东风·秋景 Tune: Intoxicated in East Wind - Autumn> guà jué bì sōng kū dǎo yǐ 挂 绝 壁 松 枯 倒 倚,The frowning cliff thrusts out a bending ancient pine; luò cán xiá gū wù qí fēi 落 残 霞 孤 鹜 齐 飞。With lonely swan fly rainbow cl ...



作者: 盍西村 5(6人评价)

盍西村<小桃红·客船夜期 Tune: Red Peach Blossoms - River Bay at Dusk> lǜ yún rǎn rǎn suǒ qīng wān 绿 云 冉 冉 锁 清 湾,The clear bay is locked in clouds green-dyed; xiāng chè dōng xī àn 香 彻 东 西 岸。Fragrance spreads to east and west rivers ...



作者: 郑珍 5(3人评价)

郑珍<自沾益出宣威入东川 On Journey in Yunnan> shān yá gèng sì jū yá kǔ 山 衙 更 似 居 衙 苦,It is as hard on journey as in office room; chóu shì kān dāng yì shì zhēng 愁 事 堪 当 异 事 征。What I see fills my heart with wonder as with glo ...



作者: 好诗文网 5(1人评价)

春色渾如昔。漫凝眸,曲江烟柳,絲絲垂碧。依舊桃花南莊裏,曾有短章題壁。 終無那,伊人難覓。湖海生涯銷俊骨,更滄桑、誤我清歡筆。身漸老,思何極。 吟詩論劍忘朝夕。恣年少、賦詞縱酒,倚欄聽笛。沉醉燈前 ...
