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作者: 王维 5(6人评价)

唐代诗人王维<使至塞上 On Mission to the Frontier> dān chē yù wèn biān 单车欲问边,A single carriage goes to the frontier; shǔ guó guò jū yán 属国过居延。As envoy, I cross northwest mountains high. zhēng péng chū hàn sāi 征蓬出汉塞,Li ...



作者: 王昌龄 4.8(32人评价)

出自唐代诗人王昌龄<出塞 On the Frontier> qín shí míng yuè hàn shí guān 秦时明月汉时关,The moon still shines on mountain passes as of yore. wàn lǐ zhǎng zhēng rén wèi hái 万里长征人未还。How many guardsmen of Great Wall come back no more! ...



作者: 王昌龄 5(10人评价)

出自唐代诗人王昌龄<从军行 Army Life> qīng hǎi zhǎng yún àn xuě shān 青海长云暗雪山,Clouds on the frontier have darkened mountains clad in the snow; gū chéng yáo wàng yù mén guān 孤城遥望玉门关。The town with Gate of Jade stands far away, ...



作者: 王翰 4.9(66人评价)

出自唐代诗人王翰<凉州词 Starting for the Front>  pú táo měi jiǔ yè guāng bēi 葡萄美酒夜光杯,With wine of grapes the cups of jade would glow at night; yù yǐn pí pá mǎ shàng cuī 欲饮琵琶马上催。Drinking to pipa songs, we are summoned ...



作者: 王之涣 5(37人评价)

出自唐代诗人王之涣<凉州词 Out of the Great Wall> huáng shā zhí shàng bái yún jiān 黄沙直上白云间,The yellow sand uprises as high as a white cloud; yī piàn gū chéng wàn rèn shān 一片孤城万仞山。The lonely town is lost amid the mountains ...



作者: 黄庭坚 5(4人评价)

出自宋代诗人黄庭坚<采桑子·投荒万里无归路 Tune: Song of Picking Mulberries> tóu huāng wàn lǐ wú guī lù 投荒万里无归路,For miles and miles to the homeless wilderness I go, xuě diǎn bìn fán 雪点鬓繁。My forehead dotted with snow. dù ...



作者: 袁枚 5(2人评价)

袁枚<哭聪娘 Elegy on My Wise Mistress> jì dé gē chéng mò shàng sāng 记 得 歌 成 陌 上 桑,I still remember her singing “Mulberry Song5 luó fū shēn xǔ jià xǔ chāng 罗 敷 身 许 嫁 许 昌。And the wedding of her beauty with my renown. shuāng ...



作者: 顾炎武 5(5人评价)

出自顾炎武<塞下曲 A Frontier Song> zhào xìn chéng biān xuě huà chén 赵 信 城 边 雪 化 尘,In the surrendered town snow melts into dust quiet; gē gàn shān xià què hū chūn 纥 干 山 下 雀 呼 春。The birds below the Northern Mountain cry for spring. ...



作者: 李白 5(2人评价)

míng yuè chū tiān shān,cāng máng yún hǎi jiān   明月出天山,苍茫云海间 古:平仄仄平平 通平平仄通 ◆间【上平十五删】【去声十六谏】 今:平仄平平平 平平平仄通 ◆间【八寒,an,ian,uan,üan】 出自:出自唐代李 ...



作者: 李白 5(8人评价)

fēng huǒ rán bú xī,zhēng zhàn wú yǐ shí   烽火然不息,征战无已时 古:平仄平通仄 平仄平仄平 ◆时【上平四支】 今:平仄平通平 平仄平仄平 ◆时【十三支,(-i)(零韵母)】 出自:唐代·李白《战城南》 【烽火 ...
